IN THE NEWS... 1950


January 31, 1950

Peebles Bank Elects

Officers and employees of the Farmers Bank & Savings Company of Peebles were named at the annual meeting of the stockholders. They are P. M. Butt, president; C. B. Trefz, vice president; J. O. Arnold, vice president; Ralph Crawford and Mrs. Florence Nixon, directors; Carey W. Richey, cashier; Richard L. Crabb and Bonnie Covert, assistant cashiers; Delores Plummer and Patricia Armstrong, clerks.

February 23, 1950

Flu Epidemic Closes Peebles Schools

Peebles Schools have been closed for the rest of the week, according to County Superintendent A. E. Secrist. This action was taken when from 110 to 120 students were reported absent with flu, for the first two days of this week. School is expected to resume Monday, February 27.

Vicious Squirrel Attacks Peebles Woman

Mrs. Warren Malone, Peebles, was attacked by a squirrel on her way to work Monday and was severely bitten about the ankles before she was able to drive the little animal off. Mrs. Malone is employed at the Coffee Shop, operated by Mrs. Maude Butler.

April 18, 1950

Moving Season In Full Swing In Peebles Region

The Spring moving season is in full swing here. Mrs. India Thomas has moved from the Plummer property of Church Street to the William Foster property on Main Street.

Guy Fisher and family have moved from the Stultz property on Stella Avenue to Turkey Creek east of here. Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Stroup have purchased the William McCoy property on Walnut Street. They have assumed possession.

Mrs. Kitty Armstrong and children have moved from their country residence to the property of Mrs. Ora Hoop near the New Pilgrim Holiness Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Caplinger have moved into their new home just off South Main Street. The house was completed recently. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shively have established a home in the Phillips property. George Ramsey has moved from the Elmer Condon property in South Peebles to the Carl Stultz property on Stella Avenue.

April 25, 1950

Peebles High Clips Blue Creek, 15 to 0

Peebles High engineered air-tight pitching and a 13-hit attack into a 15-to-0 victory at home over Blue Creek yesterday. Wickerham, with a home run and Arey with a double, led the winners’ attack while King went all the way on the mound to hurl a two-hitter.

April 26, 1950

Calendar Set Up For Peebles High School Graduation

The calendar of closing events at Peebles High School has been announced. The annual junior-senior banquet will be held at the school gym Thursday night. The school dance is set for Friday night.

Commencement at Peebles High School is set for Wednesday, May 17. Nilkanth Chavre* is to be the speaker for the graduation program. A class of 24 students is to be graduated.

Graduating seniors are: James Austin, Hannah Charles, Carol Jane Cluxton, Ada Greene, Janet Ruth Hemming, Arthur Hoop, Walter Huffman, Darlene King, Druie Mapes, Patricia McCoy, Joseph Merz, Eugene Miller, Esther Purtee, Richard Plummer, Alice Mae Shoemaker, Jeraldine Slack, Dwight Smalley, Kenneth Smalley, James Lee Stone, Ruth Suiters, Rosa Mae Young, Donald Wickerham, Earl Toller and WillaDean Young.

*Dr. Chavre was a United Nations delegate from India and served as counsel to over 1,800 India students through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. He was a former secretary to Mahatma Ghandi. He traveled extensively from his home in the Cincinnati area and was considered one of the top four speakers in the United States concerning international relations.

April 27, 1950

Peebles Families Report Changes

Changes of residence have been reported for a half dozen local families this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nichols and daughter have moved from their country home to the A.A. Dunkin property on Main Street. Mr. Nichols is a clerk in the Hibbit Grocery. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bagby have moved from the Dunkin property to their farm near Dunkinsville. Mrs. Mae Weaver has moved from the Wickerham property to her farm near Locust Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Webb moved from the Wickerham property on Elm Street to the apartment of Mrs. J. R. Thomas on Main Street. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Marshall and family have moved into the Dunkin property on Main Street. The property had been occupied by Mrs. Thelma Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Newman have moved from the Neil apartment on Main Street to the property of Mr. and Mrs. James Grooms in South Peebles.

May 4, 1950

Purchases Made In Peebles

Burton McFarland, of Peebles, has purchased the McFarland Motor Sales at Peebles from William Justice, of Portsmouth. Mr. McFarland formerly managed the N. & B. Sales at Peebles. His new business also includes the Ford Motor sales agency.

The Peebles Board of Education has purchased land adjoining Church Street in Peebles from Miss Alta Simmons which is to be used for the site of the new high school building.

May 11, 1950

Peebles Schools Plan Fall Athletic Event

Charles R. Games, coach of the Peebles High School announced that the school will hold a basketball clinic at their school gymnasium on October 27. This is the first athletic clinic ever to be held in Adams County and coaches from various high schools and college programs will be invited to take part in the program.

July 1, 1950

Peebles Gets Meters

Newly installed parking meters were to go into effect today. Peebles is the first town in Adams County to install the meters. Mayor Edwin Fisher said there are 110.

August 19, 1950

19 Teachers Employed For Peebles Schools

Peebles schools faculties for the 1950-51 school years have been employed. The staff includes 19 teachers. They are Dorothy Arey, Earl Chenoweth, Vernon Davis, Myrtle Daulton, Donald C. Francis, Ione C. Mathias, Pauline Miller, H. S. McCoy, Joseph C. McFarland, Raymond Peterson, Ruth Peterson, W. B. Sheeley, Ethel N. Simmons, Lulu B. Smalley, Loree Steele, Grace Wallingford, Mary Wickerham, Ralph W. Wickerham and Rena M. Stone.

August 24, 1950

Peebles Drug Store To Be Closed Soon

C. L. Young, of Peebles, announced that he had sold the stock in his drug store to C. L. Duminel of Peebles. Mr. Duminel also operates a drug store in Peebles. Mr. Young has operated his store for the past 35 years and is retiring because of poor health.

September 11, 1950

National Legion Officer To Speak At Peebles

A. J. Halloran, national executive committeeman of the American Legion will be the speaker at the first annual meeting of the Adams County Council, American Legion, to be held Friday at the high school. Following the 6:30 p.m. banquet, Kent Castor, district commander, will install new officers.

September 21, 1950

Escapee Back In County Jail

A Peebles man who escaped from the Adams County Jail on September 8, is back in the county jail after being captured in St. Joseph, Missouri. Twenty year-old George Griffin used saw blades to make his escape by removing two bars from a rear window and using bed clothing to reach the ground. He made his way to Seaman where he caught a ride on a westbound N & W freight train to Cincinnati. He stated a traveling salesman gave him a lift to St. Louis. He was soon arrested by Missouri State Police who have a practice of picking up all hitchhikers for investigation and questioning.

During a search, a letter was found on his person addressed to Adams County Sheriff William Clark. It stated that his wife did not slip him the blades used in the escape. After contacting local officials, arrangements were made for deputy sheriff George McCoy to drive to Missouri and return Griffin to Adams County.

Griffin was being held in jail under a $2,000 bond for a hearing before the grand jury on charges of breaking and entering McFarland Auto Sales in Peebles. He was unable to supply the bond amount. After his escape, his wife had been held for a short time on suspicion of smuggling the saw blades to her husband, but was later released for lack of evidence.

The grand jury indicted Griffin for burglary, but he pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking and entering with intent to commit a felony. He was sentenced to hard labor at the penitentiary for a period not less than a year and not more than fifteen years.

October 19, 1950

Peebles To Hold Big Halloween Party

The Peebles Lions Club will sponsor their annual Halloween Party on Monday evening, October 30th on the Main Street of Peebles. There will be 28 cash awards made for the various costumes and also a hog calling contest, husband and wife calling contests which is to be climaxed with a big square dance. The contests are open to the public and everyone is welcome to compete.

The “Big Baby Revue,” an all-male cast show being sponsored by the Peebles Lions Club promises to be a laugh-treat for everyone. The show is to be given Friday evening, October 27, at 8:15 o’clock in the high school auditorium.

In the show, Mrs. Finefeathers will be the hostess for the evening and the guests, who arrive to witness the baby contest sponsored by her, will include such characters as: Al Jolson, Carmen Miranda, Mae West, Baby Snooks, Maggie and Jiggs and many others. And, of course, no baby contest is complete without babies. They will be there Friday evening, buggies, bonnets, baby bottles and all.

Miss Peebles, the bathing beauty of 1950 will be on hand to model the latest in beach wear. All in all, the host of famous personages is something one must see – a mere description is not enough.

November 2, 1950

Inscription Found On Stone

J. M. Swisshelm, of Peebles, recently purchased the property of the late Mrs. Sallie Freeman. While working on repairs at the home he found a large tombstone that was being used as part of a flagstone walk. On the back of the stone was found the following inscription: James W. Potts died February 25, 1866, age 32 years, 11 months and 29 days. There was also a verse of poetry on the stone.


December 5, 1950

4-H’ers Make Gifts

Members of Peebles 4-H Club met at the home of Miss Ruth Riggs to sew and make Christmas gifts for youngsters in the children’s home at West Union. Assisting in the project were Rita Nichols, June Chenoweth, Grace DeAtley, Pat McKenzie, Louise Ford, Emily Smith, Anna Jane Ford, Susanna Smith, Violet Ford, Peggy McClughen, Judy Rotroff and Linda Rotroff.